Thursday, August 18, 2011

Whats this song and wich movie does it go with?

The king and his men stole the queen from her bed and bound her in her bones the seas be ours and by the powers where we, we'll roam yo ho all hands hoist the colors high heave-ho Thieves and beggares never shal we die yo ho hual together hoist the colors high heave-ho thieves and beggars never shall we die some have died and some are alive others sail on the sea with the key to the cage and the devile to pay we lay to fiddlers green the bell has been raised from its watrey grave hear its sepulchral tone A call to all to pay heed the squall turn your sails home yo ho haul to gether hoist th colors high Heave-ho thieve...theief and beggar never shall we die

Nintendo ds?

I have changed my broad band over from bt to sky before it was easy to connect my boys nintendo ds wirelessly to to my bt router but now its a sky router am having trouble connecting the ds say error code 51300 and says unable to connect to an access point. confirm nintendo wfc connection settings and access point settings Please Help what does this mean and how do i connect to my sky wireless router

Is there still camping for linden on second life?

I know there were places where you could stay on a action ball and camp or dance and you would earn linden every few minutes. is that still allowed if so where can I go?

Which one of the 4 should i get with 1000 Wii points?

Id shoot for Kid Icarus if you like tough games. Ninja Gaiden cause its a clic. If you have yoshi story just forget that one, but if you don't then just getthat game. Cause its pretty long and fun. Metal slug is alright...same with king of fighters but I dont like them much so....yep

Pokemon platinum trade?

i have a level 50 snorlax if you are interested in him comment and i will give you my pal pad code ok its gender is a boy and my pal pad code is 0217 4524 8781 also snorlax is holding leftovers which heals health if lowered

1996 bayliner 3.0 mer. is only holding 10 volts, bat is good and wires and is this a major problem? Thanks?

Your charging system is failing. You should be making 12-14 volts on the battery while the engine is running. good luck - Jeff

Metal Halide Question?

I have a 90 gallon reef tank with a 500 watt metal halide system 2x250. I am currently using 14K lights double ended HQI. I have a combination of SPS, LPS, Leather corals, polyps, mushrooms, and anemones (both bubble tip and a magnificent). What would be a good light to get? Should I stick with the 14K or go with 13k, 15k, or 20k and what is the major difference between between them?

World of Warcraft Pet Problem?

is it cursed? did someone cast a spell on it? try that and if that doesn't work maybe see a trainer or just put him away for a while.

Child is parents shame and misery... does this ever add up? parents having any right to hate their child?

Sounds like a bad situation and like you could use some help. You may need to talk to a headshrinker or therapist in order to get this all straightened out, just cuz when family is this difficult we're often scarred from it and need help to get better. Good luck!

My idea of a flying car?

this is my idea of a flying car, the car would look like a normal car but it would have two pipes in the back shooting out fire so you would lift off. then there would be a leaver that changes your angle. if you pushed that all the way down i would eject through a small door and angle you for lift off. if you got in a crash like.. FALLING there would be airbags on the outside and a parachute. to change angle you would pull or push on a lever that push weight down to make you go down or visa versa. so what do u think?

When did the dinosaurs really die out?

because there is a temple with dinosaurs ingraved in the temple to find out what im talking about it is the dinosaur temple. Type it in google but, if there was pictures on the temple how did people no what they look like so they had to coexisted the temple is called the Cambodian temple

Books for a 15 year old girl?

I'm a huge bookworm, but I can't seem to find any good books lately. I like fantasy, some romance, and mystery, just as long as it isn't a full-scale detective novel. Just post books you recently read that you thought were amazing, or your favorite novel, as long as it fits in the above categories. Thank you!

How to exhale scream?

I just want to know the most basic explanation on how to exhale scream. I can inhale but all the tutorials i watch and explanations just dont really explain it at all. i just want to learn how to and preferably something like Austin Carlile screams, because some screamers are good on albums but live they just yell, Austin is an amazing screamer live and sounds like in his album, i dont want to just yell i want to scream. Please help?

Help starting an essay on micheal jordan?

lmao... Jordan was involved in a huge gambling scandal... and Bill Cosby is an accused rapist, right? Scrap your entire essay and start over.

Who knows about company Eagle Education?

It somebody know or I can trust Company "Eagle Education and Training" I planing to take AAT Home studies and I not very concern about them as them fees are much lower than others. Please advise

So has anyone ever been drawn on?

There were heavy bushes around the entrance to where I worked at the time. I opened the office late one night to dump off some work before going home. I had a brief case, a couple of books that wouldn't fit in the full briefcase, a large set of work keys, and a boxed computer accessory that I was going to leave on my desk. As I fumbled with the keys, trying not to drop anything, a thin man hiding in the bushes pointed his weapon at me and demanded my wallet. I was so surprised that I didn't even react. He was standing about five feet away. I asked him if I could set something down to get my wallet. He yelled, "Hurry up!" I bent over, sat items on the ground, and pulled the loaded Kimber .45 out of my left armpit. I knew I was in a high crime area; I was stupid to have carried so much. I stayed crouched as I drew the .45 and prepared to fire. But he was GONE! He was so quick that he must have recognized that I was not submitting and had split around the corner of the building (the door was only ten feet from the end of the building). I went wide, gun ready, of the building only to see him running away. It was not until I got into my office and called the police non-emergency number that I realized how fast my heart was racing--but apparently not as fast as the robber raced. He could have easily shot me and I can only ume that he chickened out, didn't have a real gun, or God protected an idiot.

Are airports busy in july? like from the 10-29?

Depends what airport. You could fly from an airport like Blackpool, Edinburgh or Cardiff. No matter what day of the year you fly from these airports and other tiny airports they will never be busy.

Do hairline cracks in stucco mean it will eventually chip off?

i have new stucco, and i believe it was applied correctly. it had a nice scratch and brown coat over wire mesh over 1" foam. the foam and wire were nice and tight to the wall. it's a totally smooth cement-based decorative stucco (no paint needed), and applied in phoenix summers, i knew it would crack. the cracks are hairline, but pretty numerous. i'm planning to trowel on an acrylic sealer in a couple weeks. is there anything else i need to do in order to prevent any further damage?

How far back can you trace your family tree?

I am descended from Baron Stentorian III, who was given the county of Kent for donating a few hundred serfs to King Harold, and for apparently injuring a Frenchman (he knocked the chap over whilst hastily retreating on his horse somewhere near Hastings).

I'm Catholic and my boyfriend is Presbyterian. We want to get married in the Presbyterian Church.?

But we aren't sure what the process is since I'm Catholic and he's Presbyterian. We don't plan on changing out demoniations. We would appericiate any advice that you can give us. Have you been in this same situation?

If global warming 'skeptics' have science on their side as they claim, can they answer these questions?

Can you explain why there were at least 17 ice ages during the Pleistocene? Why did the earth warm up between those ice ages?

How is this for a persuasive paragraph?

I do think this is pretty good. Now make sure you look at your grammer and your spelling because it does need work. Why don't you rewrite and then have us look at it again for any new mistakes so we can correct it for your final rewrite.

My girlfriend dresses like a slut. What do I do?

Tomorrow my girlfriend is going to a gala and she is wearing a very short dress that is only over one shoulder and a very high pair of heels. Should I be ok with this?

Looking for old Breakout-style computer game that had different types of brick and also bat effects?

Hi! I recall years ago playing a game that I would love to find. I thought it was called super-breakout but having searched and found this game it doesn't appear to be right. I can't recall if I played it on an Atari/early PC. There were well over 100 levels (120?) and you could save at certain levels. There were all different kinds of bricks - some you had to hit several times before they'd disappear, some wouldn't ever go. I can't recall it being in colour - more likely it was black and white with different shades, but that's not definite. One of the main things that happened was that different things fell when some bricks were hit - these you could choose to collect and would have an affect on the bat/ball. Some would make the bat invisible/double , others would make the ball more powerful and it would go through several bricks at once instead of bouncing off each one, others gave new lives. I would love to buy/download this if anyone can recall its name. Thanks!!

Rate my updated warrior deck. comments or advice are welcome?

I think it is pretty good. But it really doesn't matter what cards your deck contains as long as the cards in your deck go together. One thing you need to remember is that every deck can be beaten. All you have to do is play your cards right. I should know, my crystal beast deck has never been beaten. At least Not Yet.

What is a soulful voice?

It's when they do that stupid thing where their voice goes up and down all over the place instead of just singing stuff normally. Like when people butcher the national anthem at sporting events.

What atribute raises bow dmg in diablo 2 expansion?

Strength says it raises dmg but i dont know about bow dmg? is it dexterity or is it just the bow you have?

What's the best way to use pork neck bones in homemade sauce?

Does the meat have to be smoked? During what stage in the cooking of the sauce do you add the neck bones. And Most importantly, how do you prevent little bits of bone from ending up in your completed sauce. Twice now, when I've made sauce with neck bones, it turned good as far as flavor (could have been better) but as hard as I tried, I still was unable to made the sauce completely bone free. All it takes is one piece of bone for someone to choke or chip a tooth. Yet If you strain your sauce, you strain out some of the veggies too that you put in there. And straining thick sauce is not always workable. What other meats are a possibility and do they have to be smoked when you buy them? Thank you.

What say you to 'Snidely And The Coast Guard' morning pome?

I live by the sea and have seen many tragedies over the years. Mostly townies who cannot respect what they know not about, the dangers of the tides and currents. A poem like that should be shown in schools with a person who understands the lore of the sea.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Is there a drug that gives the same effects as alcohol ????

well lets see......i dont think there is. with drugs I think that you will get more nervous and would effect your interaction with your clients. I would think youd get the feeling that they know your on something and that they are looking at you differently.

Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare compatibility?

I'm considering buying the RDR: UN disc to play, and I'm wondering if I can play online with people who download the DLC off of Xbox Live. I had the same issue with GTA, it told me the downloaded DLC was not compatible with the Episodes from Liberty City disc. I don't want this to happen again, so please let me know. Thanks.

I am 37 wks pregnant and just miserable.?

I am 37 weeks pregnant and just miserable. I can't get comfortable, can't sleep, make about 35 visits to the bathroom a day and near tears at this point. I know this is all worth it, but any advice on how to ease this final stretch? I feel so enormous and can just waddle from room to room!

If you KNOW you're physically attractive, come share your thoughts?

Yeah I do that, I look at myself in the mirror and think damn i'm hot. And you're right, the human mind does run the show when it comes to things you do. If you believe in something, you can make it true. Well most things anyway, not everything lol.

WDYT of my favorite girl/boy names?

A lot of your names are really nice!! Great names. My favorite girl names from your list are Daniella, Caitlin, Caelynn, and Ashleigh! so cute! My favorite boy names out of your list are Anthony, Christopher, James, Jacob, Michael, and Ryan. Hope I helped..take care hun!

Life expectancy statistics for nutrionists, life style gurus and medical doctors?

Depends on what they advocate. I don't see those advocating hydrolized Spirulina or sun and air as a prime source of nutrition with no requirement of further food intake live very long. But Germany's Dr Max Otto Bruker who advocated a diet of "live" wholefoods and no animal proteins has lived to the ripe old age of 92 even though he only discovered the facts that became his dogma in his fifties (mind you, over-weight, cigar-smoking, roast-devouring Winston Churchill managed 93...).

Did the referee of the WC final deserve a medal or a noose?

That was a terrible injustice to the game that we love. The ref decided that he was going to be the center of attraction. I can not ever remember paying admission to see a referee.

How to catch small bullheads in a pond while bluegill fishing?

in this pond , theres alot of bullheads that get up to 8 inches and me and my dad only get very lucky to catch one while bluegill fishing, so i would like to ask, how to catch bullheads that are small , not big because they dont really taste good as the small ones. ...i also want to kno what does shallow water means... i never got wut dat really meanz... thankz :)

Why are no historical references to Muhammad other than the Hadiths, which came a century after his death?

Likewise for Jesus, actually there is far less, and nothing at all from Jesus' lifetime. Your point being what exactly?

Your opinion plz??

I have an interest in the gothic subculture, I enjoy different things from my friends, Im female and I find one of my close friends attractive, I have nothing against people that are biual or , and people tend to look down on me about this. Even though it may be inappropriote to label, I do think I may be , do I have a reason to feel ashamed at all? I'm sorry if this question is confusing

I had win ME, Now win-XP, the ME had a word-processor which used this file extension (.wps)?

You need to get the ms works software and save as .doc (MS Office 03 and wordpad which will be on your pc) or .docx (Office 07) in order for you to see the correct text. Or just get the Works software and continue using that.

Why itunes only burns on certain cds?

I'm trying to burn a cd but itunes freezes into the first song. I tried it with a re-writable cd and it worked fine. Is it because I'm using a CD-R instead of a CD+R and need the +r for burning music?

What do people do at (quienceaneros) sweet fifteen birthday parties?

i am preparing my fifteenth birthday party and i would like to know if there is something specifically that everyone does at these occasions such as the dance. I have never gone to a a sweet fifteen before that's why i need help please help me giving me ideas on what people usually do and on how to make the party fun to others. Also, i want to add that it is mostly a family thing at home it is not very fancy but it is a nice thing. please help ill appreciate

To BD, or not to BD...that is the question...?

Due to me having the flu, my husband and I have not BD'd in about 2 weeks. I am scheduled for an IUI on Wednesday. I have always heard in order to get a good count with good motility, my husband would need to every 2-3 days. So, my question is, should we do it tonight and only give him 1 day to "replenish", or should I have him wait until Wednesday morning?

Is OBAMA AIDING THE ENEMY by shaking hands with dictator CHAVEZ?

He shouldn't have done that, I don't care what anyone says. He fed right into Chavez' "plans". Make the Prez look weak! And he accomplished that.

Are there men out there who want wives to be stay-at-home mothers?

my fiancee is a stay at home mom and i love it...but thats prolly gonna have to change real soon and you know what thats fine to...whatever she wants i say

Why is there so much diversity in marine life ?

As the marine ecosystem is vast, and contains many different niches, allowing for hundreds of thousands of different adaptations to occur in response to the environment

POLL: how would you react (Pt. 2)?

You have a gun in your hand and are pointing it at a sketchy looking shadowy figure about 50 feet away. There are several dead bodies around you. Your exact location is unknown because you have amnesia. You basically woke up in this position. Hes saying things to you, such as "Join me and we will create a new world without war or suffering."

Are too many rawhide chewstics bad for my dog?

I used to give these to my dog because they kept him occupied for awhile if I had to do some work or go out for a bit, but they always used to last him a few days, sometimes a week. Now, he rips through them in perhaps an hour. He's only a 15 pound Cairn Terrier. Would eating too many chew sticks cause any problems for him, digestive or otherwise? Thanks!

Guppy breeding? help

hey i wanna start breeding guppys and i have 2 females and one male to start. i want to get at least 10 females then 2 or 3 really pretty males. so u guys or girls have any sugetions on how to breed alo of them. and what should i feed all the frys. i have a 10 gallon tank the fry will go into. i just wanna make sure i do it right and start breeding some pretty guppys at the end

Give the name and location of an arroyo.?

Actually Skookum, a tributary to the Los Angeles river is the Arroyo Seco. The Rose Bowl is located in the Arroyo Seco.

My friend just broke up with her boyfriend...and I really don't like him.?

My friend's boyfriend enrolled in the army and has been sent far away for a little over a year. He called her two years into the relationship (they're high school sweethearts) to tell her that he cheated on her w/ a fellow female soldier. I've never liked him since the beginning because I always felt he was untrustworthy and a shifty character, and turns out that he's cheated in past relationships. He has a questionable past when it comes to relationships with his parents and others, and it really does seem that their relationship just popped up out of the blue. However since he is her first real love, she is totally enamored by him and she doesn't quite see his character like I do. She's implied to me that she may get back together with him, despite past serious and deep conversations between us regarding cheating as one of the ultimate crimes in relationships that is for sure a dealbreaker. How should I tell her how I really feel about this? I've been handling the situation cautiously because I know it's a sore subject, but I really want to let her know that I think he is a sbag and that he doesn't deserve her love or her friendship because she deserves much better than to be hurt so deeply like that. I love her like a sister and am probably taking this more deeply than I should, considering that this does not involve me, but I don't know whether I should be truly honest or just step back and keep my mouth shut. The last time I tried to let her know my true feelings regarding what I think about him, she almost kicked me out of her house accusing me of disrespecting her love for him. Btw he also proposed to her before he left. Help?

Hell hath no fury like a woman?

Who claims to have been 'wrongly advised' by her husband? Julie Kirkbride said today how she bitterly regrets listening to the advice of her husband Andrew McKay on attaining a seat in the House of Commons. She said she should have queried his expenses over their main home which he categorised as his second home but he told her it was "within the rules" and "i believed him" !!! Any sympathy out there for this poor woman or any sympathy for him?

Is there anything I can do to add a little color to my skin tone?

My husband and I are going on a cruise in December this year. My skin is almost as white as a sheet. I would like to get a slight tan so I would not look so pale in my black dress. I don't want to go to a tanning booth, because of the cancer scare. I have had a melanoma on my upper arm about 10 years ago. I have thought about the spay on tanning but don't know how well it would work or how long it would last. The cruise that I will be going on in a 10 night. Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks!

How do I change the ignition coil pack on a 99 Chevy S-10 truck?

Have a Hanes manual and it's not helping...following the spark plug wires and still can't locate the old one...anyone have any suggestions or places on the web that can help me out?

Which Yugioh Pack from the following lists should i buy and make a deck out of?

Buy Light of Destruction and make a Lightsworn deck since you aint using the traditional format it will keep . Also most Lightsworns are hard to pull so keep that in mind.

NOW who would win?

If John brought Big Kenny, Gretchen, Keith, Toby, Rascal Flatts, and, Cowboy Troy, NOW who would win? John and his crew or the Ednas?

Do the other Dragon Quest games have a character creation like Dragon Quest IX?

I LOVE Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels Of The Stary Skies, I also love rpg's for the DS where you can play as a female (i.e. Harvest Moon, Pokemon, and of course Dragon Quest IX) Now, I was wondering if you can play as a female main character in any of the other Dragon Quests, or if anyone knows of any other games where you can play as a female main?

For any of you who watches Days of Our Lives, do you think anyone is as stupid/crazy as Nicole?

What about Kate HAHA She's the sickest. Daniel put it correctly "She is SICK lady". What Nicole did was SICK but Kate is far worse. However Nicole currently rates a close second!

Do you think I am right or wrong in this situation?

We went on vacation and had my 19 yr old daughter stay with her 3 younger brothers who are 12, 13, and 15...we left them with plenty of money, our car and had several ppl stopping in to check on them and had them on call in case of an emergency. While we were gone our hot water heater broke and we were bashed by my sister and her fiance because of it. They made some very harsh and unfair comments.....and my daughter joined in their tirade. I was to pay her 100.00 for looking after her brothers while we were gone and I decided after her disrespectful and nasty comments that until she could be respectful and appologize I wasn't paying her. Am I wrong? All I want her to do is appologize. She says she did what was asked of her, which is true. While we were gone she used our car to give her friends rides and to go to their houses...she was only to use it to go to school, work, and to the store. I just feel like she really really disrespected us and feel that there are consequences for your actions and I don't think it is too much to ask that she appologizes. Am I wrong as a parent to not pay her until this happens? I would like to note....we do take an adult vacation once a year and we take a vacation with the kids in the summer months just thought I would mention that as that too was brought up in the tirade.

How are the chinese and americans treated in Riyadh?

I heard that the americans are treated like 2nd cl citizens and the chinese are treated like 3rd cl citizens? Is there such a hierarchy and how exactly are the 2 groups treated? Please be specific with your explainations. thanks!

How come Jeff Schoep got away with vandalizing a black family's house in Hutchinson, MN a few months back?

Schoep is a Nazi crackhead who thinks he can try and defame blacks as people who don't get blamed for hate crimes, yet he continues to break the law and get away for various hate crimes himself. Schoep and other Nazi pigs have actually tried to say that Lincoln-Douglas Debate sources indicate that Abraham Lincoln was a white nationalist. Truth is, these sources have more quotations indicating that Lincoln was just defending the Constitution and did in fact feel that blacks were entitled to life, liberty, equality, and the pursuit of happiness. Schoep's days of freedom in America need to come to an end.

What is the best Canon telephoto and macro lens??

I purchased a Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi and I want to go all out and buy ONE great lens. I want super mind-blowing macro and telephoto so I can get amazing photos of flowers and bugs and also things like the moon or other things that happen to be farther away. Is there such a lens?? If not, what would be the best macro and telephoto lens (separately)?

Putting the cubers back healthy?

Hello! I am Blackman88, or, you can call me Tyrone. I am a 17 year young man from Baltimore. I have been masturbating since I was 13. I masturbate once in the morning and once at night. It has been an everyday routine for about 5 years straight. I have never been caught or anything. But lately, I have been enjoying sticking cubers in my . I mean, I have been sticking stuff in my since I was about 15-16 ( toothbrushes, pencils, pens, my finger, etc....).. But lately I have been doing these huge cubers my mother buys, and after I am done, I give them back and I almost cry seeing my father eating them. Well, i just want to know if this is normal for an 17 year old? Thanks guys.

Which Sarasota Florida campground is better, and why? Oscar Scherer State Park or Myakka River State Park?

I'm taking my children camping and was wondering if anyone has stayed at Oscar Scherer State Park, and/or Myakka River State Park. If so, what did you like, dislike, which is better, etc?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

NaCl and NaOH dissolved in water?

The Water molecules move around the Na and Cl and break the salt apart into ions. The polarity of the water molecule allows this by the more negative oxygen being attracted to the positive Na ions and the positive hydrogen being attracted to the negative chlorine ions.

Age gap limitation for age of consent in Georgia?

Alright so i have these two friends ones 16 and she's likes and wants to date my other friend who's 20 but she's scared cuz when she was 15 she had with this guy who was 16 and her over protective uncle who is a cop found out and filed charges or something like that and he went to jail... ive been reading everything i can find on google but i can't find the answer im looking for i know the age of consent is 16 and as long as he isn't contributing to her delinquency there shouldn't be a problem should there? or is there a age gap limitation?

Why can`t a straight guy or a not flattery guy fool around with me?

I like guys but I am sure I don`t look gay. None knows about my condition. I just want to know why I can�t find a very straight gay guy????

I like this guy but idk if he likes me what do i do?

i really like this guy but im not sure if he likes me. i think he might b/c he sends signals that he does some r after school when we get off the bus if he gets off b4 me he walks slow and waits for me or if he ges off after me he will call my name so i wait for him or we get off together he stairs at me in lunch and when i go to his table and some ppl tell me to leave he doesn't and also some days on the bus he stairs at me we r like best friends and always hang out in the summer and i used to always go over his house but not really anymore and now i like him alot and idk what to do plzzzz help ! =D

Can anyone rate my fantasy baseball team?

You are lacking power on you team. You have alot of speed but only a couple of power bats. You have very good starting pitching. Relief not bad either. Find someone who may need steal and trade for a power bat for hr's and rbi's. Overall 6 out of ten and ii thought about giving a 5.

Who would you choose to be Governor of your State? ... Kevin Costner? ...?

If I could pick anyone on earth I think it might be Kevin Costner. So many to choose .... who would you choose for your state?

Wedding traditions for the mothers?

There are Rose ceremony's that they have for the take a rose to his mom, him to your mom. It's like giving a peice of yourselves to the new families. If you search rose ceremonies (they have a few) you can find one for moms.

Oi punk....skinheads?

a href="" rel="nofollow" maybay

Do you think dev patel is y?

LOL I know what you mean. The thing I like best about him is his accent. I also loved his acting in Slumdog. He is kind dorky, but whatever. He's adorable :)

Very Confused How to ask hEr OUT :( ??!!! :S?

Go to the mall first thing, before she starts work, and ask her boss when she's due her break. Then come back at that time with a picnic basket full of sandwiches and stuff! She won't be able to refuse if she's seen all the trouble that you've went to! Good Luck!

What do you think of my song?

this is pretty good stuff especially as your 13. in fact i'd go as far as to say your lyrics are better than quite a lot of the music out there atm, especially fergie

Is a licence grower allow to grow medical marijuanna in my warehouse?

Im from Vancouver BC, Canada, A licence grower ask if he can grow medical marijunna in my warehouse. Are they allow to grow in my warehouse? or are they only allow to grow in residential?

What kind of spider is it?

the spider has black dots on the abdomen the whole spider is gray and fuzzy under neath it is black its legs its fangs look almost separated from the spider its legs are striped white and black i could not find this spider anywhere on the internet so can you help?

Oregon or Washington?

I would vote for Eureka. I'm currently living in Salem, not far from Corvallis, and the Oregon weather and high taxes are driving me nuts. So I'm saving to move home. But if the weather doesn't bother you I would recommend Olympia, as it is closer to a big city (Seattle) than the other three.

Does anyone know how i can decrypt this "Call-ID: 1a179b2003c1415c1238060b567223…

That appears to be a 32-bit binary value. It is probably an ESN for the phone and is not encrypted, but would have to be looked up on the wireless providers billing computer. Which would probably require a court order.

How can i teach my old parrot to tal?

Since you didn't mention what kind of parrot,how old ,or how long you've had it I ume it never said anything. Some birds never talk and others are closet talkers---they don't talk when anyone is around. One sure way is to stub your toe in front of the parrot and let out a very loud swear word . I can almost guarantee when an old very fussy,prim and proper, great aunt comes over that word will be repeated loud and clear. Why? Birds love excitement and drama and that situation fits the bill. So while you're talking in an animated voice ,you might as well teach him to sing and dance too. Just make it fun. Most birds will learn Good Night. Just say it a few times when you put him up for the night. My 25 year old nanday was a rescue and learned to talk after I got him at the age of 4. He has carried on simple conversations with me that make sense and one of the first things he learned was good night. He now tells me when he climbs up on his perch good night . If I don't cover him fast enough I get "GOOD NIGHT NOW!!!" Just talk to him whenever you are with him as if he was a small child . Good luck and be patient and have fun and your bird will too.

Is piercing pagoda a good place to get your ears pierced?

i am getting my doubles soon and someone told me go to piercing pagoda, i have heard mixed reviews and alot of bad things about them using a gun to pierce your it good or should i find somewhere else to go??

Does anyone have the lyrics to Love Hurts by Chuckie Akenz?

Well i was on youtube and i heard this song from Chuckie Akenz featuring Kangel and its called Love Hurts and I looked everywhere for the lyrics but i can't find it so can anyone help me

What age do you think the books twilight would be suitable for?

I want to start reading the twilight books but I am unsure whether it has unsuitable content in it. What age do you think that the twilight books would be suitable for?

What do you do with yours?

Yes, everyone picks their nose. Of course most people use TISSUES unless there are none available. And only H0LES would wipe them on other people. That's disgusting.

Carmello Anthony and how he stopped me from being a Knicks Fan.?

Just because a player you do not like has joined your team you should not change , a team is more than one player and loyal fans would stick it out with there team .

Whats the best way to turn money into more money?

First of all, DO NOT trade stocks...just look at the latest scandals with Goldman Sachs - a so called trusted firm. With $300 you could buy some website traffic and send it to an affiliate offer to make some quick easy money.

Interviewing for a job at 9 MONTHS PREGNANT!!?

I have been job searching for awhile and found the perfect job for me. I am, however, 9 months pregnant. I only plan on taking 4 weeks for maternity leave (this is my second child, so I know what I'm doing). I had a call to interview and I told them the situation. They seemed very supportive. The job is with a state agency that helps people get employment, ect. I know that by law they cannot discriminate, but I'm still a bit nervous. Do you think it was unwise for me to interview for a job at this point?

Is 'sea man' politically correct?

Is calling a sea man correct? it sounds a lot like semen, and takes away from their toughness... like the 'Deadliest Catch' there are too many sea man on board. Help me understand this.

Is it useless to report a pedohile to the Police ?

For obvious reasons, anonymous reports to the police aren't enough to make an arrest on. The police may have interviewed your husband, but unless he confused, there is really nothing the police can do at this point. A court won't issue them a warrant based on an anonymous complaint and they can't get any evidence without a warrant.

Women, what is your relationship like with your mother?

personally I have a very strong relationship with my mother but you see my mother was never jealous of my sister or myself, so this made it alot easier. I am sorry that you had and still are having a hard time having a relationship with your mother see my father used to do the same thing to me as your mother is doing to you and finally it came to a point on my 28th birthday where I knew that I could no longer have this negative influence in my life and being 32 now it still is the best decision that I ever made. I know you were asking about mothers but I do know how it feels when one parent just cant see past themselves so you do what is necessary to stay away from this influence before she makes you feel like you are a bad mother and this will happen if you dont stop this now

Cellulitis of the leg anyone know about this?

I have been dealing with cellulitis on my leg now for a few years. My dad has somewhat the same thing on his leg where it looks bruised all the time. Mine had an open wound for the whole year of 05 it finally closed up around the end of 05 beginning into 06. It has been fine up until recently as of Saturday 3 days ago I was at work and a pallet hit my leg opened it up again. I went to the hospital yesterday and they are saying I have cellulitis with a laceration. My question is what is a way to cure this completely. I am a 29 year old male and now because of this leg I cannot run I can't exercise the way I want to. Alot of things I can't do because of this stupid leg being infected all the time. Can anyone shed light on the subject of cellulitis and any possible cures? Any long term side effects, will I honestly lose my leg? This is really starting to scare me now. It seems like even when I go see a doctor they can't really give me a definite answer on it. serious answers only please

Which university is best to do MS in INSTRUMENTATION ENGG?

Right now, I am pursuing my B.E Instrumentation 2nd year and i would like to know about my career ahead and i am planning to continue my studies in the same track. Can anyone guide me in this regard ???

Will this keep me safe from the world ending in 2012?

just put justin bieber on the radio at full blast when the aliens and zombies come and you have nothing to worry

Monday, August 15, 2011

What is the length of the coastline of australia?

Australia's coastline measures 25,760 kilometres (16,007 mi). This exludes the Australian Antarctic Territory.

Which is better for me, Super Slinky or Extra Slinky Electric Guitar Strings Nickel Wound?

Super slinky's gauge 9 and Extra slinky is 8. And i like playing clean-rock with a more clean tone. Nice tone and easy to play. And if youre gonna suggest another brand of strings, dont! pick from the two. Please Answer.

Is philosophy dead? In that science is getting ever. . .?

Philosophy will never die. Science cannot reach the outer limits of space and time (We can't even get out of our own solar system). As long as there is still a question, there will always be philosophy. It is our nature to question our existence and purpose. We still do not fully understand the full capacity of the human brain. There are still so many hidden mysteries within the mind and soul which science hasn't yet been able to dissect. It is true that science has advanced and will continue to do so, but as long as people are still here philosophy will be too.

I love the way glycerin protects my skin but I can't stand the tacky feeling?

Are there any very natural ingredients that I could add to the glycerin to reduce that tacky feeling?

POLL: Do you like the taste of oregano?

Why, Bill? Between the scramble unfertilized hen ovulations, the bacon scabs and now this oregano...I'm not going to be feeling any better any time soon!

When you decrypt a rental DVD can the rental place tell you have?

I'm not doing that it's illegal I was just wondering cause a friend did it once and he didn't get caught but I have heard some places have.

How bad is it to hit redline in a stock car?(more details inside)?

It's impossible to "red-line" and automatic transmission motor unless the not so smart driver behind the wheel has the shift lever in low gear! If you want to succeed, just keep it up!

What should I do, our social worker is biased?

I was raised by my grandparents who are abusive but never caught. Two of their children are dead (My uncle who committed suicide and my mother who overdosed.) My little brothers are in the system and we were trying to get custody of them. The grandparents called in and made unfounded reports about us. The social worker cut off my visitation with my brothers. She told me this was because of their bad behavior, but they were aloud to visit everyone but me, so I don't think it's true. Social Services did a home study on us, and now I am aloud to see them again. I'm absolutly terrified that I'll lose my visitation again. I think this social worker believes the grandparents claims. What should I do?

HELP - 11 month old refusing formula & fights the bottle - Do I go to whole milk???

Whole milk at that age shouldn't hurt him unless he has an allergy. I cut my boys off of the bottle at 12 months cold turkey and they didn't mind a bit. At 11 months, he should already be eating other foods, so giving him milk instead of formula would be ok. Just try a little bit and see how he reacts. If he has an issue with that, try soy milk. Good luck!

Picccolo flute?????? same?

so i play flute but im also going to learn how to play the piccolo. i was wondering if the s and stuff are mostly the same and if it will be easy for me to transfer from flute to piccolo. HELP!

What clubhouse plans can i se?

ok heres the deal i want to build and club house for me and my 7 siblings and we are all going to help we range from ages 10 to 17. we want it to be big enough to fit us all but isnt tacky. we want electricity to and to withstand strong weather if someone can find me plans that would be great.

Can any one help me with Dracula Origin game???PLEAS!!!?

okay so i downloaded the demo of dracula origin and i started to plat it and im completely stuck in the fist level were Vanhelsing go's to see mina and okay so they meet and then she leaves to get ready so they can go for a walk and he starts to inspect stuff and i look at everything and i try to leave but he keeps saying i need to inspect further but there's nothing esle to inspect WHAT DO I DO!!!!! HELP

Decorating my drumsticks?

I want to decorate my drumsticks because I have no life and am very bored. How can I decorate without screwing up because of the curvey-ness? I want to make a checkerboard kind of thing with paint or sharpie idk yet but I just need to know how to not screw up and thanks!

Do you like blue cheese in any form?

i.e. blue cheese dressings, bread, chips, etc. I had blue cheese bread from a bakery one time that was really good. The new blue cheese chips by Doritos is pretty good, too.

I need help with my head cause it's don't seem right?

i used to work out about a year and haft, but it's don't seem like my body is became more big/muscular. the only thing that get more bigger/muscular is my head, the question is wtf is happening to me? why my head get bigger?

How are sunspots related to prominences and solar flares?

Sunspots mark areas of intense magnetic fields on the sun's surface, and prominences often form along the magnetic field lines between pairs of sunspots. Solar flares are triggered by rapid changes in the sun's surface magnetic field, and so they too are usually ociated with sunspots, where the magnetic field is more intense and distorted. While prominences and flares can occur in the absence of sunspots, they are weaker because the magnetic fields are weaker.

Guys (and girls), should we confess to gorgeous girls how damn stunningly pretty thay are?

Is it a turn on or a turn off? Or we should play it cool like "You're cute but not that cute."? What cha think?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Who would win in a 3-3 baskeball game?

Why does this have any bearing on anything. i think Randy would take Lyndon down low and the Cosby laughter would humiliate Crosby and allow the Freeman post down low. Cosby, Johnson, Freeman 56-49. In OT.

Whats a good dog breed for a family of 4?

Ive been asking my mom for a dog and i want to know a good breed that would be easy to train, good with cats, and is very loveable? We dont want anything thats reallly big but a medium breed or a shitzu size.

I want to sell all my billiard equipment as I am going out of business.Where will I get the best results?

Seven Gold Crown Brunswick (9X4) Commercial Billiard Tables with McDuffrin House Cues (28) and seven sets of cue. Miscellious other new billiard supplies for sale as well. Would like to sell all to one buyer for a set price. Will sell individually if needed

Help. I really need it.?

Excerxizing shouldent be a chore instead of whaching tv go outside and climb trees or something .i eat ALOT and don't gain weight so u can to. try to take up a sport but what ever wayu do. u can loose wait if u put your mind to it

Historical proof of Jesus's existence?

You're kidding, right? The bible is certainly no proof, and the Josephus page was inserted by Eusebius, a known forger. There is not one shred of evidence for a historical jesus.

What do you think is the best ventilator out of these choices?? Servo i, PB 840, Evita xl?

smd44 likes the Servo i, but lungdog writes that Siemens sold the line "to maquet and receiving adequate and timely service could be an issue"

How can Madelyne Pryor attempt to posses Jeans corpse if The Phoenix Ressurected her already?

In a recent X-Men issue, Madelyne Pryor returned as the Rec Queen, leader of The Sisterhood of Mutants, she attempted to take possesion of Jean Grey's corpse, but Cyclops, knowing this, switched Jean's coffin with another, but how could he have done that if The Phoenix already ressurected her and they've gone to find all the missing pieces.

When i watch tv i get stomach pains PART2<<<<<?

Ok, so iv found out about why i hurt when i see people kissing, coz i want to kiss, its an urge, to be honest a part of me new that but,dont have a bf, coz im 13!!!! But i get the same pain when some one gets beaten up, like, hit, or kiked, like, something with emo-ish emotions. OR if they start crying or self harm, or dus anything generally emo-ish =S i get the same "urge". But to what, do i hav the urge to hurt, or the urge to be hurt, thats what i dont get. (i think its the wanting to be hurt btw)

I went to Full Sail University and would love to work for Cirque Du Soleil can anyone please help me network?

I recently finished college at full sail and would love to work for Cirque Du Soleil. I would like to find out more information on how to get into unions/ get contact information on anyone that works for this company? Anything would be amazing !

Know Anything About Black and White Photography?

I am taking a Black and White beg. photo cl. We are supposed to be taking pics with Kodack TriX 400 Black and White film but I accidentally shot a role on color Kodack 400 which is less professional in quality. Will there be any difference in how I develop this film compared to the TriX and will this film react to the B/W chemestry in the dark room?

Americas contribution?

Now I a patriotic person, and I done condone what Soviet Union did to some of their people. I think communism does not work, ever, its just not human nature. But I’m so sick of people saying the US was the savoir of ww2. History books from the 50’s rightfully claim that Patton and Eisenhower were overrated, and that America was financially struggling through the war, and that although they did help, and the world did need the US to enter the war, it was Russia did much to bring an end to the war. But in all of my modern text books, they rarely mention any other country apart from the US and claim US generals and soldiers were the finest. I suppose it the norm all world power rewrite history in their time. But I’ve never noticed it so blatantly before.

What don't the government tell us?

The public only knows what the government wants them to know, same with the police system. Consider that most of the media in the USA is owned by either overt right or left wing people, never a neutral person. They'll only publish what they want too, and never if the government disapproves it. Freedom of speech? I think not

What are your views on these names?

Jayne is one of my favorite names, and I liked the way you spelled it, and it sounds pretty with Alandra.

I have large bills remaining unpaid with Govt. of Karnataka.How can I ask for status under RTI ?

I was running a govt.approved Automobile workshop.Car repair bills totaling about 3.5 lakhs remain unpaid for long time from various Govt. of karnataka depts. including the CM's Secratriat,repeated remainders have drawn no responce.Can I apply for status of these bills under RIT ?

Vince Youngs Career Is Failing.?

I am a huge Vince Young fan. I think that if Kerry Collins continues to lose games, then its time to switch. I agree, the Titans need to give him a chance to prove that he is still a satr QB. If Collins screws up the game in two weeks against Indy on Sunday night, then its time to switch.

Whats the real reason Obama wants Arpaio to do things the president's way, for the president's purpose?

It's not just the President. What you should be asking is, why is the President bowing down to the United States Chamber of Commerce, and the others behind them. There are powerful business forces at work in this country that do not want their cheap labor source taken away from them. I believe the investigation actually started last fall, before Obama had even taken office. You could also ask why Congress eliminates any requirement to conform with the Everify program from any bill it gets introduced to. These sources not only don't care about how the employment of illegal aliens depresses American wages, they are actually pleased.

I am a beginner b with questions?

technically, im self taught for 8 months.whats the best b i could use, and how do i mute. and is there a difference to b slap if u have stubby thumbs?

Why do so many people think Italians are not white?

I think because many people are retarded. Anyone who interprets the term "White" to mean that a person is literally white is probably borderline mentally handicapped, if not full. White is a slang term referring to Caucasians. Just like every other race, Caucasians come in a variety of skin tones, eye color, hair color, etc..Anyone of European origin is White. Furthermore, the majority of Italians I have ever met looked like every other White person, ranging from brunettes with brown eyes to red heads with blue eyes. Even the dark skinned dark eyed Italians I have met are still clearly White. In fact, most of the dark skinned Italians I know are not naturally dark, they fake n' bake to try and fit into the stereotypical image of an Italian. People are always trying to sound more exotic than they really are, especially Italians, it's stupid really.

How would you interpret this?

I think it's obvious the balloon is being compared to to husband, the "human balloon", bringing to mind how fragile, transient, free, maybe beautiful, maybe up-lifting.

The nineteenth-century practice of placing American Indians on reservations was designed to...?

Neither. Reservations were a holding pen to isolate Indians thrown off their land. The white man didn't want to "protect" or "regenerate" the Indian. They wanted to exterminate them, either by killing them or destroying their heritage

Saturday, August 13, 2011

I am suddenly afraid of dogs. What can I do?

For about 5 years I worked with all kinds of dogs as a kennel attendant, and never EVER had any problems with fear of dogs or anything, I knew how to be the alpha. I haven't really been around dogs in about three years, and am suddenly very afraid of them. I feel like I can't read their body language anymore. I try to be confidant when approaching a dog, but fear usually wins out in my heart and I end up on the un-friendly end of a growling dog. What the heck happened to me?? My sister just got a puppy, and I have been going to her house and familiarizing myself with him, and I'm not afraid of him, but if I see a dog on the street, or if I enter the home of someone else who owns a dog, I get really scared. What can I do?

Reproduction in Non-Vascular, seedless and seeded plants?

We had a problem in the lab with this, we only got one crop of seedless plants, then couldn't grow anymore, guess you' ll have to do the work yourself.

A joke about President Arroyo......?

Aha! I get it! She's like--what!--4'5"?! I get it! She's so small, she'd have to fit in a stroller!

Dissolution of Marriage/Divorce fees (no laywers) How much to just sign the forms?

you file it at the county you live in, call the court house for the price and you can google the paper work and print it need a notary to sign it and maybe a witness i am not so sure about the second part, but the court house will help you they may even have the forms..and it is a lot cheaper.. me and my ex filed a separation and it only cost 50 bucks

Have ever been this fired up over an election?

I must admit, this is the first time that I am itching for election day. This is probably the first time I've wholeheartedly support one of the candidates belonging to one of the major parties. Back in 2000, the first time I could vote, I was so sure Gore would win, I didn't even consider anyone would take Bush seriously that I voted for...don't get mad...Ralph. (It's ok though, I'm registered in a Red state, Dems never win here) But I've actually openly critiqued, offered my opinions, opened topics, answered questions and in my small way, got involved in the process. No matter who you are voting for, you gotta admit, this election has electrified the American people. So, have you ever been this fired up over an election? uh, are you fired up?

Is a 16 inch brown trout considered big?

I caught a 16 inch brown trout and it was two pounds. It was my first brown trout and i was wondering if it was worth getting mounted? Also, Brown trout over 15 inches are hard to come by in the summer when fishing in Bennet Springs MO

Why Are Republicans, Fox News , Rush Limbaugh, Such Hypocrites?? Why are they so offended by Obama Saying?

Why Are they all flipping their wigs about Obama saying Hostage Takers? I'm Sorry I Really don't understand this. This Guy Just gave them what they wanted? Does he get zero Credit for anything? I notice non of them seem to have a Problem when Rush Limbaugh Calls him " Barack the Magic *****". Or As He and Glenn Beck have both called him a Racist. So For the First time in The History of America, we have Anchors, Contributors, and Commentators calling the Commander and Chief Racist. No Problem with that. Or how about when the Tea Party Put up a Bil Board in Iowa of Obama's photo next to Adolph Hitler On a Major Highway? No Complaining there. But Obama Say's Hostage Takers, Refering to the Other Party, The Exact same line as used by Ronald Reagan In his second Term when he was talking about Democrats. And If Obama says 1 thing they all go nuts? I mean have these guys just devoted their careers on Bashing the guy 24/7. He gave them tax breaks, Is that not enough? Also, just to point out, how was Obama supposed to use an ogy? For the First time in America's history, has a Entire Party of Senators signed a Letter to the President saying they will Block Every single piece of legislation until they get what they want on Taxes. Honestly is that Reasonable? Would It have been reasonable if Barack Obama said Back in the fall of 2009 when More troops were needed in Afgan, what if he went on national TV and said If the Republicans dont give in on Healthcare, He will Veto the Bush Tax cuts for the top 2%. And he wanted the Healthcare Bill Ped Before the end of the Month. How would The Republican Pundits React to that? How would the Nation Respond. So Their Feelings are hurt by that. But its ok to refer to him as ---- Illegal Alien, Dictator, Racist, Thug in Chief, Communist, Magic *****, All These examples are from Fox news. And I know what you neo-cons will say. " That's nothing compared to what the Left said about Bush. If that is Really True, Provide a Link where a Democrat Commentator, Anchor, Or News Caster , Refer to Bush As a Racist, Illegal Alien, Communist. Or anything like that. Just saying " They did worse " Mean's nothing, and your living in fairy tale land if that's what you believe.

Who will hire me?

Seeking an employer that needs someone with bilingual fluency in English and Spanish along with an understanding of Latin American culture, history, politics, literature, music, and language. The employer must be looking for someone that is sharp, fast- paced, creative and able to produce ideas when prompted; efficient, and possessing strong customer service skills complemented by a professional appearance. The employment must include opportunities for professional growth, team work, leadership skills, and career advancement planning. Failure to provide appropriate offer will result in rejection.

How do I stop my neighbors from leaving trash on their doorstep?

Well it sounds like the Direct approach would be the best way to go. Although, I'm sure most of these people are just too lazy to take it out regularly. I definitely would not advise the Pive Approach. Because if you started taking out their trash, in the hopes of them getting the hint, more likely they'll see an opportunity and allow you to take it out, even become dependent on you, worsening the dilemma. That's just way too much trash to take out. Since I don't like to confront people, I would personally just keep complaining to the management. Eventually they'll have to crack down on them, especially if animals are going through it. Well those are my thoughts, good luck.

Auditory dream or hallucination?

This could be a lucid dream or this could have been a hypnagogic hallucination. Look both if them up, do some research. Good luck

If evolution is true, then why hasn't hair evolved?

Yeah! What an odd thought? Are you angry with someone? Hmm that's bad. Specialized cells have their own task. If a cell is meant for hair, thus it grows and become hair. So as species. You did born as a lizard, then evolved into ape, then fish, then man, then whatsoever until the end of your life. Huh! That's odd.

Why do we feel burdened to do the encouraged, and continue to do the discouraged?

It is the easy way out, a way of our Nafs & desires & we know that for sure but we give lenience to our souls.Quran & Sunnah should be the way of life for any Momin. May Allah make us the followers of it . For this we need a strong Eman which will allow us to do Mujahadah with our selves inshallah.

My xbox wont connect to the internet!!?

i have scientific atlanta or something modem and a 50 foot ethernet cord to my xbox. on it says xbox live is up and running but when ever i try to sign in, it tests the connection and it fails. when i test it again it completes the network part then the internet part is where it stops. i have my IP adress and the DDS or whatever in good. i just dont know whats going on. ive unplugged my router multiple times its annoying. dont answer this saying me too! or something. that doesnt help.

How can i start torrenting, and what is the most reliable/safest way?

To get started, download utorrent from , its a tiny download and you even have the option of not installing it and running it portably. Once thats installed/started up, go to the top right corner of the screen and you will see a search box. Next to that is a magnifying gl icon. Click that to select different torrent sites to search on. Simply type what you want to find in the box and hit enter. uTorrent will automatically handle corrupt files for you, and as someone above mentioned torrents are LEGAL, but it is illegal to share copyrighted stuff on it. You can legally download linux distributions for example.

ACL recovery time question on flex of knee.?

I had ACL replacement five weeks ago and am on third week of PT. I also had a complete tear of the MCL and ruptured lat meniscus. My concern is that it still take every thing I have to get a 90 degree bend. I have been doing the exercises and have a bike I am using at home. They are talking about having to go back to dr to have them "break" the scar tissue to get it to start bending. I am scared something is wrong. Should I be?

Can you help me to explane this movie?

i have just started teaching english in a chinese school and i need to explane what the movie talks about. its bewitched and i need to explane what the movie is about to basic english speakers. what are the best ways and methods in doing this

I'm a zodiac cancer, and I hate Pisces?

I'm A Freaken Pisces and your right we Pisces have a out of the box attitude! But were also fun loving and just want to be loved! If this is about a girl give it a try? But DON'T make judgements! and that is not a question. That is a statement. :)

Which saltwater fish should I add to my tank?

I have a 46 gallon tank with 100lbs of live rock, coral, a clownfish, yellow tang, cleaner shrimp, emerald crab, mexican turbo snails, and hermit . I want one more addition that will bring my tank together. Any ideas?

The movie coraline and the theory behind it?

ok so i have to give a speech on my favorite movie and the theory behind it. I know theres a theory on other worlds but i cant remember the names. coraline is basically like the movie alice in wonder land where they travel to "other worlds". can any body help me find a theory that fits here please??

How can you continue to insist that the Exodus actually happened?

applause applause as the biblical stories are futher debunked and deflated. You well might wish to include the much older sumerian "king sargon" myth as the source for the hebrew moses character. Not only is all that you say true, but there is substantial evidence out there which clearly indicates that most of the old testament are stories plagarized from the egyptians and babylonians (the babylonian gods creating man from clay for example as the source for the genesis story).

Aargh! Why did s/he give me that?

For my wedding, someone in our extended family gave us a watering can that had some horrific scene painted on it (it was supposed to be something decorative for your home, not for practical use). Then inside it was candles AND candy..not a good mix. The candles smelled like chocolate, and the chocolate tasted like the candles. That one ended up in the garbage.

Is__________________ a good school for me?

Please tell me you are NOT a senior, because if you are, you are screwed by not taking the SAT yet. also, consider taking SAT subject tests. Boston U does seem like a pretty good fit for you, but I would also consider similar schools such as Boston College, NYU, and Tufts University (esp. since you would like to do research there anyway!). Good luck!

Which would be cheaper, wedding at location provided, or my Church?

Probably the church would be cheaper... talk to your minister/reverend/pastor/whatever about how much it would be there.

Would you be concerned about 2 year old child's development?

There can be many reasons why a child’s development may be slow. As you are concerned it would be advisable to make an appointment with a paediatrician and have her checked out. It may be nothing and if it is the earlier it is diagnosed the better chance of having it fixed. Some children can have problem with what they call motor skills. My niece had such problem and because it was picked up early enough she is quite normal now and she is 15 years old.

What should I do next from this messed up situation?

Yeah. The only thing you can do at this point is put it all out on the table. Tell her how you feel.

3 guys who to choose?

Ok well there are these 3 guys. Lets name them jake, rick, damon. Im dating jake and he's really sweet when were texting during the day, but he won't talk to me at all at school and isk why. also he asks me for naked pics every night and we have only been going out for like a week. Then i figured out i like my friends ex, damon. We were talking and he told me he liked me and i was like well i like u too, and hes like well what r we gonna do bout it bc damon and jake are friends and jory is best friends with both. damon is like jessica ur beuatiful and trust worthy and im not a horndog like blake. And then there is my ex rick and he asked me to come over on sunday and we were just hanging as friends but we kinda accidently kissed each other, and were oth cing other ppl but he said he wants us to get back together. he was my first real love so idk wat to do. any advice or suggestions, and rick broke up with me. Who should i pick Rick, jake, or damon?


ok so i want to get a car that i can modd performancely and exterior loookin for something that looks sporty (kinda like a celica except better power n stuff), rwd if possible, cheap to mod, not older than 2000,15k or less, i have a 2500 max to mod with so plz give me some ideas with your selection thanx

Will a vehicle p state inspection if it is in the following condition? 10 points?

Windshields are not cheap. The leaks will need to be fixed, and you should check for exhaust leaks. If the fluids have been leaking for a while there may be damage to the transmission the power steering system or even the engine. any of these can be easily damaged by being run with low fluid levels. If you buy this van be ready to spend a lot of money on it.

When was the funeral for BHO's Grandmother. How come he didn't attend?

He cared more about himself, and deceiving people into voting for him on the myth that he would make them richer....or was that the DNC forcing their puppet to not attend?

Im 15, got sort of a hunchback, How can i develop a better Posture?

Have your parents take you to a doctor and get you evaluated! You are way too young to have such a condition! If your posture is correct you should be able to draw an imaginary straight line from your ears, through your shoulders, hips then heels. Make sure you are feeling proud of yourself and standing tall and getting exercise.

Why is it when someone sources Fox News, they're labeled foolish, but when it's CNN or network, it's credible?

This chaps my hide. I will fully admit Fox News certainly leans to the convervative side. I don't think anyone would question that. But why is it when someone sources them, they are labeled as a fool? What if I sourced CNN or ABC News? Then would it be credible? They are just as bad as Fox News for their political leanings. Almost every other major news network is very left wing liberal and no one ever squawks about them! I'm tired of it. The fact is, while conservative yes, Fox News is probably closer to the political center than CNN or just about anyone else is from the left.

Should this man be sent to jail for this comment?

I wish this astonished me. Our society truly is doomed. Eventually you'll get jailed for smiling at children. We've become utterly ruined. Our hearts are black and we see good for evil and evil for good. Kill a child in the womb, that's ok to do, as long as you're a doctor. Don't be friendly to a kid though.

What kind of flower is this?

ok my dad has bought a strange flower from piggly wiggly i think, is so confusing, i looked everywhere i could just to find out what this flower caused, its tubular i think, big thick waxy leaves and a single flower that looks like a porky pine in the middle, pink in color. the stalk that the flower is on is right in the middle of all the leaves but is separated from them all the way down to the roots. thats the best i can describe it without a picture of it if you can send me any links to places that may have a flower with a similar description or anything that my help my search that would be great

PSX emulator video freezing?

Whenever i start up a suikoden 2 emu on my windows vista computer with the PSX emulator, it works fine till it get past the konami logo - then the video freezes entirely and i can still hear the intro music playing. judging by the music, it also become unresponsive to controls. Note that i am not using a CD of suikoden. version is 1.13

How do I get a group of friends that I respect?

I don't have a lot of friends. mostly just my family. it's not because i'm awkward or geeky or something. i just feel like it's a waste of my time mostly. I am trying to start a business and i'm in college and the national guard. my time is the opposite of routine. I have one thing after another. I have always stayed really busy and stability and living in the same place for more than a year have been non-existent for the last 10 years. I have lived where I am for 2 years now and I am very glad about that. i have moved from place to place here, but I think i've found my spot until I finish college (2 years hopefully). so I am trying to get some friends but I have a hard time just wanting to in the first place. every time I get into a group of people, I feel like i'm in a cage. like I have to do certain things or my "friends" won't like me / i'll get alienated. i'm totally cool with everyone, but I know it's important to girls that a guy have friends. I have some, and i have my family in this area too. anyway what's the best way to find (and keep) some chums around to do things with?

Friday, August 12, 2011

Pls rate my blackwing deck and answer a few question?

1. the main statagy is to over power your opponent at a certin point and if you make it right (all the time)

Best way to prank my daughter?

Put ketchup packets under the toilet seat. Make sure they're bent so the curve faces away from the toilet. Put the packets under the ball thingys on the toilet seats. When she sits down to pee, then ketchup will explode into her panties >:D

Organized religion is a sin isn't it?

Yeah I bet that headline really got your attention. But anyway to get to the point...I think organized religion defeats its own purpose. To advocate peace and love yet fight others who dont believe the same as you makes you a hippocrite. Not just Muslims, but also every religion in general. I believe that there is something bigger than us out there. Something that guides us and gives us hope. I just dont believe in a God that punishes you for not eating the flesh and blood of Jesus, for not praying seven times a day, not getting baptized, eating meat, or other silly rules around the world's most popular religions. I believe in an all forgiving god who gives good people a second chance,...or a third,... or a fourth. I think even the most unforgiving person can be forgiven, if they so want.

What do you rate these flats (pics)?

1-10 i got them and i want to know what people think =] thx a href="*Plaid*067060-Multi(American_Eagle_Cleo_Buckle_Flat)" rel="nofollow"…/a

Would you buy a golliwog ?

I loved golliwogs when I was a kid, but I think they are really a symbol of racism. The term "wog", of course, has always been a derogatory term. I think they were meant to emulate black people. Much as I detest political correctness when it interferes with our right to maintain this country's heritage, I think this is one thing that we can do without.

Okay, so i have this World Studies Project and i need ideas!?

In this project i have to make "Trading Cards" (3 to be exact) about people in the Renissance and each is about a different person. My three people are Leonardo da Vinci, Michelagelo, and Raphael. SO basically what i am asking i: How should i make the cards look, and what should i write on them?


They actually sell a tool (or you can probably make one) that is for something like this. Basically, it is like a mini hook that allows you to reach in, nab the piece of metal, and slowly get it out. Time consuming, but far less expensive than replacing your lock.

Help me please! I wrote a letter for my friend,have i mistakes or no? Thanks you!?

why do you do)) after like every sentence? Grammar Wise i'm is not correct because it comes out to i am and see you can't leave an I lower case so it'd be I'm. The i's you put need to capital like this- I You spelled what wrong in the last sentence. The sentences are kind of short and stubby too. But that's all! : )

What do you think of these names for my first born?

I like Theodore Silas, very cute. I am not a big fan of your girl names but they are all unique and you shouldn't just not choose them because i or other people dont like them... it is what you like. I like Matilda the best but for some reason I am leaning towards Tabitha too.

Mazda 3 for 2008?

Does anyone know when the Mazda 3 for 2008 will be released. And if it will have the same red lighting on the instrumentation?

My ipod touch wont turn on !?

try leaving it plugged in for awhile (may need to charge) now if your 100% sure its in DFU mode and not just recovery mode then you'll have to restore. open itunes then plug it in. in the window click the restore (shift+Click if your using a custom backup) then just let it do its thing.

Travelling the USA with 2 mates?

Im travelling the US with 2 mates, is it cheaper to buy domestic flights when we get there or should we pre-book and as we arent sure on our destinations yet? Also the same for car rental, we are driving LA-Vegas and Miami- NYC via Washington DC. I have also heard alot about New Orleans is it worth the detour? We have planned dallas is that worth the detour??

How high does gas have to get before America REJECTS the lunacy of liberal bedwetters and start drilling ANWR?

Actually, the higher the gas prices, the more liberals are paying at the pump, therfore, the more money they put out for gas the more they can say they "don't" have in order to get more istance from the govt.

MW2 PS3 Clan Quick-scoping and regular playing!?

The clan name is ReVeRsE_ __________ (your name in the blank) we play mw2 black ops cod 4 waw any cod rlly. we are 2-0 in clan battles i am 137-6 in 1v1 quickscopes and im 244-9 in regulard 1v1 (all i use is a ump.45 with a spas-12 foregrip with sleight of hand pro stopping power pro and commando pro.

What will help me stop sweating?

I sweat a little more than other people. I need a deodorant that truly eliminates perspiration. I can't even go to school in a light shirt because I'm scared of the wet spots that appear under my arms. Help!!!


Im applying to both of those places next year and i was wondering if it was hard to get into either and what kind of grades do you need?

Why do people keep on disrepecting immortal technique?

just goes to show you how blind and ignorant people are these days if people were to able to sit down and really LISTEN to his music maybe hip hop would still be alive

Hulk Hogan's gimmick?

I just thought of this! Would it be fair to say Hulk Hogan is a cross between Bruno Sammartino and Billy Graham. Think about it Bruno Sammartino's gimmick of being a good guy fighting for what's right. And Grahams' showy superstar gimmick who did poses in the ring and had alot of charisma.

Are private school teachers allowed to take items from students and keep them?

That depends on the rules of the school. It may have been destroyed if school rules state that. A rigid Christian school could very well destroy what it sees as something related to the occult or witchcraft. Seems bizarre in this day and age, but it's possible.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Please read car help?

hastily agreed to have lessons in auto although from much pressure from ppl ive decided to learn and continue with a manual car i know it will take longer but whats the rush eh,,basically what shall i say? to my instructor when i ring him 2 morrow...i feel a bit stupid agreeing to lessons so hastily without thinking about it..the auto lesson was only a trial really do u think its good to persevere with the manual ca rlessons?

Which hotel group gives the best value in rewards for their stays - Marriott, Hiltion, or...?

I have been a loyal Hilton customer for a while and we really love their hotels and points. We are Gold members and get all kinds of free upgrades without even asking! And we also get a free cookie whenever we stay at the Doubletree :)

Spam Mail. Does anyone know how to resolve my Email problem?

I have an E-mail address as a contact the contact person is a friend of mine but what is happening their email address is being mimicked. I'll give you an example: Say my friends name is Jackie Jameson. Her email is "" so when she sends mail to me her address should be: Jackie Jameson However what has been happening is the mail I have been receiving has Jacay Jameson therefore every part of her E-mail address except her last name in the first part. I want to place a block to stop all mail from being sent from this particular place as this isn't the first email I have received. However, I don't want to prevent my friend from being able to send mail over to me either.

Does this sound to emotional from a guy's point of view?

I watched her leave crying. I never saw that coming. I expected her to throw a fit and be angry at me, not sad. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. I thought she didn’t care. But she did. So much. She never does things like that. Show emotion. It hurt, probably me more than her. Seeing her cry, and wait for me. Oh my Angelica, you’ll talk to me again. AIl thought about was her. She was all I thought about. Her pretty short hair, and gold skin and brown eyes. I could never feel this way about anyone else. Chloe was an attention with mommy issues who felt the need to upstage Angie at every moment. But Angelica never saw her that way. She saw Chloe as this thin goddess.

Help me choose a color please?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Best Actor in a Western?

Oh such a tough choice! I love Sam Elliott, but I also love John Wayne and Tom Selleck. So it will have to be a tie between those three!

How to access my home windows pc from behind a proxy/router using SSH?

log in into modem control panel usually you have to type in your browser and enter user: admin, p: admin, and set to allow the port 443 to your local ip usually

Can you carry a .45 ACP round in a semi auto pistol in the police agency?

I am talking over all do you think you can carry like a USP pistol as a police officer. I know its different around America but in all do you think you can or should be able to.

Can anybody help me with these Macbeth questions?

uhhh i hated that book...i read that last year............Google Macbeth and you will be able to find those answers.....

How can i make money in runescape?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a can help you, you can be rich with our help.

Doing some more work on my Gibson LP Studio. Needing advice from guitar techs/knowledgeable guitarists.?

It's a good idea to replace the nut because Gibson's Corian nuts are sh*t. If you're going to use a sort of metal nut, go with br. A br nut makes more shimmering highs and makes the guitar more harmonically responsive for a lot of reasons I won't go into. If you can afford an ivory one (I think you mean ivoroid), go with that or bone, or Tusq if you have a bit less money. Gibson Les Paul Studios and SGs are notorious for not holding tune (not widely renowned, I mean among those of us who know a thing or two) and there are a lot of ways to fix it, but I don't think the Tune-O-Matic bridge is an issue - it's a myriad of other problems and your Bigsby on a guitar that isn't meant to have it. Better quality tuning machines will not prevent your problems, but they can help. Bring it in to a good luthier who can fiddle for a while and find out specifically what's wrong with it.

My chances of getting into a Federal agency?

You are just 15 and supposing the things which can not happen at this age. No one knows in America the difference between a Sikh and a muslim and even if they know, you are corrupt, trimming your beard is corruption. You need to work harder than others to get into it.

Where can I download these Bengali songs?

The song "Hajar tarar aloy bhora" from the film Mother and "Ek je chhilo duorani" from the film Pratikar.Please answer soon its too urgent.

Zero availability on torrents for Vuze and Utorrent, what's causing this?

Yes you are a noob but it's not a simple answer you are looking for and could be many things. I can say it's fair to rule out that you are trying to download dead torrents because you would mention "some" working so I would lean toward your ISP may have found a way to block p2p and I think Comcast was recently sued in court over this and lost. The other is your router's hard firewall is blocking your client's port. You should first try to port forward the port your client (ie. uTorrent) is using under preferences and porbably the cause. You might also want to turn off the routers firewall altogether because it blocks too many ports and rely only on your soft firewall (ie. Windows). ALso add your client to exceptions under your soft firewall. If all of that doesn't work then I would try using a different port for your client and port forward

If these teams were in a super league where would they finish?

Should I answer why you are not MJ? You remember who like this and is from Australia?

How do I put in a motion to dismiss due to jurisdiction?

Each court is different. You probably have to fill out some form or write a motion and submit it to the judge. Ask the court clerk if they have any pre-written forms you can fill in or any sample motion templates you could look at.

Where can I buy gatsby hair products in toronto?

Besides going to pacific mall is there someplace else maybe downtown core or in north york yonge finch/sheppard area.

Do white americans even know the origin of the word slave?

Slave derives from the word 'slav' which are the slavic people of eastern europe...white people. Whites are the true slaves.

Anyone TTC experience this?

So I'm usually pretty regular..I started what I thought was my period but it didn't last long and was extremely light..which is weird..started 11/21-11/23..took a test 11/25 neg..took another test 12/1 still neg..I'm just mainly wondering what Implamation bleeding is?..I've googled but haven't quite figured it out...everyone's pregnancy and menstruals are so differen!! lol..anyway, has anyone else had this happen?! Could this really be it!? Could it FINALLY be MY turn?!?!!?!? =) =)

Value of Topps 1969 Mickey Mantle?

$125 - $150 if it's the standard yellow letter version. White letter easily triples the value. OPC did baseball in '69 but there's no Mantle in the set.

Will the Big Dipper be taken down at Blackpool after the accident?

No like the other answer said an investigation will be carried out such incidences have occured before at other theme parks and the rides still carry on

What material would you use to build an end of the world indestructible vehicle and who would you let come in?

Tungsten Carbide and Diamond Windows. My Contacts and my Family invited in,long as nobody cuts the Cheese!

Man marries both sister and is arrested at the end. what movie is this?

a man - who may or may not look like jerry lewis - has a long courtship with the older sister, whom he eventually marries. for some reason she is believe dead, so he ends up marrying the younger sister at the end of the movie, only for the first sister to show up at the end so he gets arrested. sound familiar?

Bert and mabel in nursing home?

mabel buys bert a viagra tablet for his birthday.immediatly bert gets a big roger on.mabel says"eee bert iv'e never seen ya like that for years,i've been told it will only last an hour at you're age so lets make the most of it and go down the park and do it under the moonlight like we did 70 years ago when you courted me.they hobbled down to the park,roger firmly under berts belt.when they got there the bloody gates were locked.bert undoes his belt and says to mabel "stand on this mabel and i'll give ya a oggie over the gate.mabel lifts her foot up onto berts rampant roger and stops suddenly.bert says wots up mabel i'running outa time.mabel says"aye bert i've just thought.its o k getting over,but how the ???? am i gunna get back.

Haley's Comet Predictions and Mark Twain?

Mark Twain was born with the approach of Haley's Comet and died when it ped again. He was aware of this fact. I have read an inscription in one of his books that predicted 1957..initals t j or j j and g m a and the year 1957. Does anyone have a clue as to what this could mean..?? did he write any other Star or Comet predictions anywhere. I thought maybe it was about Haley's but maybe some other meaning since Haleys Comet ped here again in 1986.

I feel like i have ADD when i was never like this before?

I suggest seeing your Doctor. Sometimes things can be handled with behavior changes, or mild medicine. Don't fool around, go see your Doctor today.

Problem with COD 5 WaW Xbox 360 Game BSP Map?

I don't think i've ever seen that one. If you have live go online and download any patches and such for the game. that may help, and if not, go into your hard drive settings and delete the game file, then try again. Best of luck

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Which coach in US college football will be gone after the season is over ?

I agree with two of the three. I don't this Weis will be fired though. The school will come up with some bogus reason that ND did poorly this year, like it was a "rebuilding" year, or the fact he brought in another highly touted recruiting cl so they'll give him a chance to win with those players...

Would you ever use any of these names?why or why not?

I would consider Katelyn, although I would spell it Kaitlin personally. For a boy I would consider Dallas, possibly even for a girl. I like Taylor on a girl - it sounds really feminine!

Anybody upset with CVS pharmacies that were formely Sav-On or Longs Drug?

I love shopping at CVS, they carry pretty much what I need and i like their discount card I always use. I only hate that they have usually only 1 or 2 check out people and the line takes forever.

Gymnastics meet; what to expect?

well i think everybody answered all of the questions, but one thing is that the new judging system has changed, you are no longer scored out of 10, what you are scored out of depends on your specific routine, so dont worry about that, you will know if you did a good job or not

How much to put twin turbo in my 350z?

i have a stock 350z and i want to put a twin garret ball bearing turbos in it with all supporting mods. Just wondering how much the entire thing will cost, and how much horsepower i will have after all the work is done, I dont know much about turbos and such im building this car for my father.

I wanna get my cartalidge pierced but my mom wont let me. Do you think its really that big of a deal?

im fourteen btw. i dont think it its that big of a deal but she still wont let me. ive had my ears pierced for like a gazillion years now and they have never gotten infected or anything bcuz i always make sure to clean them and everything. i told her i would take care of this one to but she still wont budge!! let me know what you think. i dont care how old, or gender you are just let me know! thanks.

Help me please!! Wii Music?

I got that game for xmas, played it that day. It's not NEARLY as fun as i thought it would be... It's NOTHING like the commercial makes it seem. So good luck!!

I am making a game on Facebook. What is a good thing I can use to draw on the computer that's decent looking?

If you want to play my game just add me(Dimitri Butler) on Facebook and tell me that you want to play. I need to draw weapons, armor, dragons, and other items for the game.

Lvn or pharmacy technician?

im not sure what to study and i need to fig it out by jan. i want something in the medical field but im not sure what. all i have is my h.s diploma and its been10 yrs since i graduated. any positive advice would be great! thanks

Does anyone know what Barre means?

put your index finger acroos all the strings from the first to the fifth. it sounds easy but it is really hard to apply the pressure to all the strings. God i hate chords, i so prefer tabbing

Is a hamster a good pet if so tell me why if not tell me why?

Not bad pets, and you need to get them used to you and being held at an early age if that is what you want to do.

Why did Mary anoint the Lord?

John 11:2 - (It was that Mary which anointed the Lord with ointment, and wiped his feet with her hair, whose brother Lazarus was sick.)

Did you or do you like Count of Monte Cristo?

This is my favourite book but since it is translated does anybody know the best translated version of this book?

Larry Sinclair and Barack Obama: who is telling the truth?

I cannot tolerate Obama, but if this is slander, they he should be arrested. But, on the other hand, if it isn't on t he anti-smear site, well....who knows?

Do Republicans like Sarah Palin because she is not smart?

Yes she is a tool being used by them. Barack doesn't use the fact that he is black as a reason for why he should be president. She and the republican party on the other hand is playing up the fact that she is the first female VP. Its not progress until gender and race doesnt matter and we look at the policies and qualifications alone. The republicans are trying to turn this into American idol.

Whats you opinions of using whips?

They are fine when used correctly. And honestly when using a whip it is more of a light tap than an overhand smack. I can whack myself pretty hard with a dressage whip or a jumping bat before it even begins to hurt me, let alone a horse who has much thicker skin than I do. Whips should be used to correct a horse who is ignoring your aids and to help encourage them forward, all of which just requires a light tap that the horse barely even feels. Now of course one should never use the whip out of anger or whack the horse across the face with it.

Is Christianity polytheist?

Yeah, it is kind of silly when you think about it. Especially when you consider that throughout the bible Jesus interacts with god and the holy spirit as though they are completely separate entities (Jesus occasionally prays to god...which would be very odd if he were himself, god).

Are glue traps morally wrong?

I agree. Glue traps do not guarantee the pest will even stay caught. I also think that the humane traps should be used whenever possible, but on those occasions where this would be impractical. Use a trap that will quickly kill the pest. Not just leave it to "maybe" die on it's own.

I have a 1984 svo mustang and i need help?

im 16 years old and i have a svo mustang and i love the car, is there any websites to find Performance parts for it all i know is and theres not much for the 4 cylinder turbos.

Good movies to watch help?

Saving Private Ryan, Inglorious Basterds and Apocalypse now are all great war films with action and story.

Anyone had a scan because of large ventricles in baby?

Ive just had a check up scan at 26 weeks because the doc was worried about the size of my babys ventricles. Ive been told its borderline, and there could be nothing wrong, or he could have something wrong with him. Is anyone else going though this?

How good is my yu gi oh deck?

Its not only what you have but also how you use it. You seem to have a pretty well made deck. Make sure you know every element of each of the cards and make a couple of strategies. Only that way can you have the ultimate Yu-Gi-Oh deck.

What is a good HAIR STRAIGHTENER besides the chi?

I've had three Chis at the cost of 100, they manage to break and not turn on in a matter of 5 months. My mom and I take great care of them also. What would be the best straightner that makes the hair silky smooth without doing as much damage as a chi. I'm talking about top of the line straigtners. I would like everyones imput. I use Rusk Flat Iron Spray and a Chi gel before straightning everytime also. Are infrashines any good?

Will televisions ever be developed that can recreate smells, tastes, and tactile sensations?

Of course, as everyone knows, televisions have always been able to reproduce and broadcast visual images and auditory sounds. But is it realistic to believe that a television program would ever be able to reproduce experiences from the lesser senses, in other words, smells, tastes, and tactile sensations; and that some kind of broadcast media would be able to broadcast them, to a television with some new technology that hasn't been invented yet that would be able to reproduce them? Modern technology can do so many amazing things. After all, TVs have just now come out that can broadcast 3D images. It would seem that doing something like this wouldn't be THAT hard!

Anyone see Chanelle on C4 last night and do you think Posh should take out a restraining order on her?

I've not seen such an appalling display of histrionics for many a day. She didn't like the sand - what did she expect to find on a beach - and she couldn't 'pose' without instructions - some model ! ! ! - and as for being anything like Posh (possibly in temperament and in private!) then all I can say to that is "So am I" ! ! !

Please rate my awesome story?

Not bad not bad...should be more detailed about the impact and fear the creatures struck into him. But for its length it paints a good picture=]

A short summary about Joseph Lister.?

my 12 year old sister need help she is in the 7th grade she need to write a 3-5 sentence about joseph lister the surgery guy

Sweet things that begin with the letter T ? please help!!!?

we name all of our dog a sweet that begins with the letter T, we have Tootsie Twix and Truffle we got a new on though and my sister gets to name it bug shes an idiot and wants to name it Turtle like the cany=dy but thats stupid and she dosent like twinky or tofee so eny other ideas because I REALLY dont want this dog to be names frekin Turtle

What are the nine planets that Wanda in "The Host" by Stephanie Meyer has lived on?

I have the origin, earth, the bats, the see weeds, the dragons, the bears, the flowers, and the spiders. However, it said that she lived on nine. What is the ninth?

What's the difference between HMO's and PPO's?

OK...Here's the deal. Basically what everyone else already said is technically correct. However, consider this: In an HMO the same people in charge of providing you with health care are also in charge of reducing the COST of providing such care. BIG CONFLICT OF INTEREST. I can point you to dozens of horror stories where care at an HMO suffered GREATLY due to cost concerns. Whereas with a PPO you have two separate entities that provide care and manage the cost of care. Most HMOs go financially insolvent at some point as well. So pick a PPO or Point of Service plan. Stay away from HMOs.

Dilemma? What would you do?

My partners ex is obese and now his 2 children (3 and 5) are getting more and more overweight every time we see them. She moved 400km away 6 months ago, prior to that they were staying with us all the time. I'm a health freak, so when they were here they were eating really healthily and I feel this was stabilising their weight. Also, in our house we don't let the kids watch tv and play computer games all the time..... at his exes house they do a lot of that. Now they are booked in to have operations to have their adenoids out, which makes me even angrier as I feel their adenoids are being affected by their weight and a general anaesthetic is pretty risky for an unecessary operation. Do we have a right to say something? My partner and his ex are in mediation at the moment as she gets extremely abusive and emotional if she thinks things are not going her way. I'm guessing I have to stay out of it. What do you think? It's very frustrating, the kids look sick because all they're eating is junk food.

Dodge dakota sxt ?

you was told right on that one the transmissions do give a lot of problems on those ,but that was about the only major problem you would have with it,most of the time they last real good,but on all of those there was transmission problems,that's not a bad price on that truck for the mileage and the year of it,but id expect to have some transmission problems from it later on,other than that they was good trucks,it wont always be around 70 thousand on the transmission though, i have seen them last well beyond that,you may get well over 100k from it before you have any problems from it,good luck with it.

Airsoft Guns with good fps?

what gun, (preferably not an m16 or m4) has an an amzing fps over 400 for under $200. im looking at the jing gong s.t.a.r. and the thompson but if you no any other that are good please tall me

How do i get rid of a calluses on the bottom of my toe?

I have calluses that run vertically along the bottom of my pinkie toes. For some reason they form in a straight line and are fairly thick. My issue is that when i am on my feet for a long time, like at work, blisters form underneath the calluses. This is very painful. How could i go about removing them?

What are my chances of receiving Harvard acceptance?

Actually, it's probably less than 10%. Harvard admitted less than 7% of applicants last year, and everyone who applied had great grades and high test scores. If you want a better-than-10% chance, you really need to find some way to stand out. Your activities are pretty good, but nothing really unique. At the least, try to make something in there sound unique. And have a back-up school.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Best business credit card? Chase Ink? AmEx? Other?

Most business credit cards will use your personal credit score and possibly report to your personal credit report. You can start building up business credit report separately but that will take some time. Check my source for a list o some biz credit cards to choose from.

Is it unprofessional for supervisor to say you have attitude?

My supervisor tole me that today. Not in a nice way. She was starring at me with this stern, angry expression. And her voice was serious and somewhat heightened in volume. Truthfully i may have somewhat of an attitude and its okay for her to talk to me about it but i find her choice of words odd. Am i wrong?

Does "Religious Freedom" Gives Any Religion The Right To Be A Militant Threat To Non Believers?

Nope - freedom to practice religion doesn't mean that you get to do anything to violate someone's rights or cause them harm.

Which straightener/flat iron should i get?

no offense lol, but having been through 6 straightners, im just gonna tell u flat up to not waste ur money on any of these. i have long curly hair and wen i was in sixth grade my obsession with getting it pin straight started. i had the vidal saasoon, that was horrible, the infiniti conair, tht didnt even straighten my hair, the bed head is a little better but it sucked too, and i had a revlon which sucked. then i got a remington and for the 18 bucks i paid for it, it was great. it actually stragithned my hair, not pin straight, but straight. then just recentlly forr hanukkah i got a sedu. its amazing, seriously, dont wste uur money. get a sedu. take it from someone who used all these straightners

I 'm trying to play writable in my car but so far I've had no luck. HELP PLEASE!!!?

hmmm, make sure the disc is finalized. don't use generic media, like maxell or dynex, use sony (the ink/dye they use is much better) or TDK discs. The name brand does matter, i've burned a lot of cd's and dvd's trust me. HP seems to be ok too. only had a few bad burns outta a hundred stack. Oh, and an obvious one lol, Probably won't be able to play MP# cd's, only regular 18 an under or up tracks :P

An open minded question...not a hateful question?

I've never heard of a black person trashing St Patrick's Day or even cares for it. However i hear white people all time complain about black people (bhm, bet, black colleges) in real life and on the internet anything that's not centered on white people.Because if you really think about it, bet has white people in it and and white people can go to black colleges. Isn't that how things are except the other way around? Isn't most tv shows have white people with a couple of black people, aren't the majority of colleges white with some minorities? So why is it when whites are the minority they call it racist? Whites are still included its just not focused on them. Black history month is also dedicated to Lincoln who is white because we chose the month of his birthday(february) because he did a lot for african americans. African americans shouldn't be in St Patrick's day cuz its not really about african americans, i really don't mind the day, sometimes i wear green to school but it seems like white people are really bothered by bhm when they shouldn't be because its not a celebration of color its a celebration of culture. The world hasn't changed as much as you think it has, racism if very hidden therefore a lot of black people are still sensitive to racial things. And then when we try to say something we are told to get over it because slavery is over and racism is practically gone in most peoples minds. If we are complaining about something its because we are fustrated.

Is this vanessa hudgens' xanga?

does anyone know if this is the real vanessa hudgens? thanks =) cause i'm her friend over it and none of my friends believe she's real sooo just check it out and tell me what u think. thnx! ~~corinne~~ PS i'm oxcheergirlxo

I have recently moved into a rented flat in NELLORE .good shops to buy some furniture,light fittings,etc?

new to nellore and my flat is at childreans park area but its without any fittings. so need help to set the house .

How should i deal with "rejection" from a girl that i am in real love with?

As you said, she doesn't know that you love her yet. So i suggest to just go up to her when you two are alone together and tell her that you love her. If she says no, then its gonna hurt but you soon will get over it in time. You wouldn't want to waste a good friendship like that with her. Just ask if you still can remain friends.

Why do so many people tell Homemakers that they wish they could stay home all the time?????

Sort of...I used to work my off paying down credit card debt. I was so stressed that I blew up my college gpa and went through 5 jobs in the process. I have just recently managed to fill out an application for a job after 8 months of living with my mom while starting over with college. Before my debt forced me to work I used to think staying at home all day everyday except for college would rock. But, after awhile I get bored and short on cash so at least next time I get a job it will be because I want to and not because I have to.

Is religion really man's only hope in this life?

No! Religion has nothing to do with man. Its what man puts into it. One can exist without religion, its ones belief that matters.

I'm in love with my best friend....?

Tell him how you feel. If he doesn't like you, just ask him if you guys can just ignore that the liking thing ever came up. What's the worst thing that can happen? He won't say no (: my fianc�e and I were best friends for two years before we fell in love and got together

Last of the day *sniff*. Will you read my poem please?

Wow. I like it. Succint, though out, well planned, and on a topic which is one of my particular favorites. I love the imagery of Temperance as an angel, watching the gods in their foolishness and giving herself to mankind so that they do not die from overindulging parents. Your portrayal of her as a good character is better than the modern day perception, that she is something to be avoided at all costs. Good on ya, Eva!

Canadian History Question?

Excuse me, but why don't you just look this stuff up yourself? You'll learn more and make it worth taking the cl.

What's that one bugs bunny episode?

What's that one episode starring Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd where Bugs plays a Viking woman, they sing march of the valkyrie I think.

Which of the above is high in energy??

Foods that are considered simple carbohydrates are treated similarly in the body to sugar. While they give quick energy, they also cause a crash and burn reaction - as soon as the quick energy has gone, there is a sudden crash causing exhaustion and craving for more of same. The answer is to eat protein, fat and if any carbohydrates, make sure they are complex, such as whole wheat, vegetables, fruits, etc. This provides a more stable supply of blood sugar without the spikes and falls. It helps keep you on an even kneel. Regarding the above choices, the sardines, eggs are best with the burger coming in third -

Should i get a lawyer? and how i have no money?

I am with the other guy -- not going to read this dense block of text telling a convoluted story. Break it up and make it clear and simple then see if people won't help.

Please vote on either of these pairings?

I like the first pairing, Malachi and Elijah. I think they go together better than the second pair. Also, they're not overly popular names, but aren't terribly strange and uncommon names, either. And being biblical names, they have a nice history and meaning to go along with them.

How can i create a program in visual basic 08 that can launch an executable when a on is clicked?

I have created a game and want to create a game interface for it, i can drag ons into visual basic 08 form1, but don't know what code to use to enable it to open the game which is saved as an executable when the on is clicked. Can you help, please?

Is my one year old cat trying to tell me something?

My one year old, Raja, and I have been living with my boyfriend for the past two months. We'll be staying there until my new apartment opens up on July. When Raja was a baby, she used to pee on my couch until I was able to train her not to do so. I was worried that she would begin to pee outside the litterbox in my boyfriend's place, since it was a new environment. But she was perfectly fine once we got there. She is more than acclimated with his place AND his dog, and has been for almost a year. But recently, she's been peeing on the spare bedroom mattress at night. Is this an attitude problem? Is she trying to tell me she doesn't like staying there? Also, I can't seem to find a pet odor spray that completely takes out the smell. What should I do?

I entered the puk code more than 10 times and now wen i switch on my mobile its show puk blocked wat shuld ido

Unfortunately your SIM becomes permanently blocked if you enter the PUK code incorrectly ten times. The only thing you can do now is to contact your network/service provider

Does schooling count so much for me to be successful and rich in life?

you can win the lotto. but most likely no one will hire you (to make the $ you want) without a college degree

Is the KKK still.....?

I'm watching the history channel and never realizes just how stupid this organization is! Yes I do realize their morons as they create divisions with their hate however, I never realized that their blind hate caused them to loose everything the organization owed in the 70's. A little old black lady ended up owning this organization as the courts awarded their possessions in a court settlement. Bwahahahaah, how ironic! So here's my question, it's a give in that all hate mongers are inbreed but is the KKK still as stupid today as they were in the 70's?

Last questions about the Civil War?

Gettysburg was a big turning point. The final one in fact. It was a big win for the north. the address was very short. Most speeches at the time were hours and hours long. His was less than a half hour. It was short but it made a point. One of the big things that lost the war for the south was the battle of Vicksburg which split the south in half. the battle of Antietam, one of the bloodiest battles of the war, was a factor in loosing the war because after the north won England was unwilling to join the souths side. Who wants to join the loser's? The emancipation of course was also important. Although Lincoln really didn't have the authority to do so since the south was, at the time, another Nation, it gave blacks the courage to escape. Many went to find Union armies and say, "hey, claim me as contraband so I can fight with you." Also it made the war into a moral cause. since england hadn't had slaves for quite sometime they didn't want to seem like they were supporting it. Number four you should answer on your own because it's total opinion, but in case you're not aware (not meaning to sound condescending) total war is where you destroy everything in your path to win the war. No mercy. Sherman's march to the sea is a prime example of this. Hum... Economy... It pretty much sucked. Most of the south's crops were gone and the north couldn't provide the crops that the south could before. trade was slow and without crops where is manufacturing? Politics... Republicans were more popular especially with blacks (duh). Things were more liberal... Blacks were allowed to vote under something Lincoln ped... Can't recall the name... society changed in that there were now all these free balck with no where to go and nothing to do and no means to learn... Whites had to work their own land or hire people now. go to to learn more. that website saved my more than once when I took AP US history.

Dragonball Z movies that are Canon?

personaly i think movie 13 wrath of dragon is canon because it fits its a year after the Buu Saga and it was created by akira toriyama and one other dude....and bojack unbound movie....

Beatles Beatles Beatles Ringojohnpaulgeorgepete Beatles?

will this package cost to much? Cowboy Neal`s birthday is coming up soon and i wanna get him a present, he said he loves The Beatles so i think he will really love their entire discography

Monday, August 8, 2011

Order of Moses' story?

Alan Alda (born January 28, 1936) is an American actor, director and screenwriter. He is known for his role as Hawkeye Pierce in the TV series M*A*S*H. During the 1970s and 1980s, he was viewed as the archetypal sympathetic male, though in recent years, he has appeared in roles that counter that image.

I can't get my external microphone to work properly with my camcorder?

I have a Canon HF R200 Camcorder and a Sennheiser freePORT presentation wireless microphone system. I connected the camera to the freePORT receiver unit via stereo XLR to 3.5mm jack. The camcorder is picking up sound from the microphone but it sounds muffled and like a robot is talking. I've tried adjusting the gain on the receiver unit, and tried both the line and mic settings on the camcorder. Any suggestions?

A good name for a Technical Deathcore/ Technical Metalcore band?

I was thinking "Aurora Borealis", however that is already taken. So how about "Cerberus" or "Sybaris", both of which are Greek mythological beasts.

How can I season a cast iron griddle on a gas crepe maker?

I've read about putting cast iron pots, pans etc in the oven to season them, but how do I season the cast iron griddle plates on a gas crepe maker?

Writer's talent or pathological liar?

If you do write things u have no experience with just put it under fiction so u won't be a lair. If I was you, I'll think I have personalities problems.

Moving without my mom?

Im 11 and my mom and dad sPlit 4 or 5 yrs she has a bf that i hate. He is rlly annoying. So my dad wants we with hom i wana but dont wana leave my mommy. i love em both. But i rlly miss my dad... My other family is in the same city with him. Ps my step sis n i dont get along very well. Only when we r on tha phone we luv each other like we bin real sissters. (im not sbelling rite cuz im hungry). Pss how do u pick someone for best answer psss help my other ?

Alternative History: I love these sorts of what if's?

If the flight to Varennes had been a success and Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette had escaped. What course do you think the Revolution would have taken? What would the fate of the Royal family have been?

Question about overdraft fee reversal?

We had 5 overdrafts occur on our business account because the bank was "offline" when we made our deposit. When we brought it to the attention of the bank - they said they would refund half of the fees. We were NOT happy but figured that was the price of doing business with this bank.When they hadn't done the refund after 4 days, we deposited a cashiers check (which they said would go in same as cash) long story short....they deposited it as a check and wham 4 more overdrafts came in. ( fees would NOT have come in had they done what they said with the refund OR the "same as cash" cashiers check) Now they're just giving us a huge run-around saying it's out of their hands and they don't have the authority to do refunds. PLEASE ADVISE.

Does anyone think this toxic tort case would be hard to prove in a court of law?

A company has an employee painting with highly toxic epoxy paint in an enclosed space over a four month period with inadequate ventilation. The employee suffers Acute Liver Failure which requires an emergency transplant. The employee's transplant physician claims the liver injury was caused by a toxin most likely from the job. But he cannot pinpoint the exact toxin. Note: The paint's Material Safety Data Sheet claims that this particular paint can cause kidney and liver damage and must be used in a well ventilated area. Also the employee up until the time of the job had no signs of liver problems based on yearly work-related physicals.

Sentence Help..........................…

Despite all our entreaties, kids still come up here wanting us to do their homework for the -- what a charade and how presumptuous of them! Cheating thrives in an atmosphere such as this and if you're not careful, you'll remain tethered to the concept. Yes, I know I'm berating kids up here, but they've still not cowered! They make scapegoats out of their teachers and others do avoid doing their own work.

My friends be cider self...What woodpecker up....?

if she's feeling brewdy or showing signs of flagon sit and have a drink with her. Don't sit too close -those arrows are quite accurate!

Going to an expelled from school meeting, help.?

You need to get an attorney. Secondly, staring a fight was dumb dumb dumb--whatever the reason. If you don't want to pay for the crime, don't do it.

How to get my wii controls fully charged ?

Are the batteries regular AA batteries are you using a Wiiremote batteries with a dock charger. Your batteries are probably dead. If they are not rechargeable batteries, just discard and get some new ones. You can go to a dollar store or corner store and get new ones for about $2. It's best to get rechargeable batteries so you won't have to keep buying them all the time. I suggest either Energizer or Duracell Rechargeable. I have the Energizer Power Charger for the Wii and I don't like the batteries b/c they die out to quick.

What should we do about this?

I would think twice about getting a pet while he was still in the house. He just seems kind of unstable to me. I would wait until the day we were to leave and then buy the cat that she likes.

Will Civ 5 work on my computer?

My computer is a HP Pavilion Pheonix Special Edition a6655f Desktop PC with Windows Vista, with 5 Gb of RAM and an AMD Phenom 9150e Quad core Processor. My graphics card is an integrated Nvidia GeForce 6150SE nForce 430. I'm confused whether or not Civ 5 will work on high settings or not. If not what can I do in order to play it.