Tuesday, August 16, 2011

How can i teach my old parrot to tal?

Since you didn't mention what kind of parrot,how old ,or how long you've had it I ume it never said anything. Some birds never talk and others are closet talkers---they don't talk when anyone is around. One sure way is to stub your toe in front of the parrot and let out a very loud swear word . I can almost guarantee when an old very fussy,prim and proper, great aunt comes over that word will be repeated loud and clear. Why? Birds love excitement and drama and that situation fits the bill. So while you're talking in an animated voice ,you might as well teach him to sing and dance too. Just make it fun. Most birds will learn Good Night. Just say it a few times when you put him up for the night. My 25 year old nanday was a rescue and learned to talk after I got him at the age of 4. He has carried on simple conversations with me that make sense and one of the first things he learned was good night. He now tells me when he climbs up on his perch good night . If I don't cover him fast enough I get "GOOD NIGHT NOW!!!" Just talk to him whenever you are with him as if he was a small child . Good luck and be patient and have fun and your bird will too.

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