Saturday, August 13, 2011

How do I get a group of friends that I respect?

I don't have a lot of friends. mostly just my family. it's not because i'm awkward or geeky or something. i just feel like it's a waste of my time mostly. I am trying to start a business and i'm in college and the national guard. my time is the opposite of routine. I have one thing after another. I have always stayed really busy and stability and living in the same place for more than a year have been non-existent for the last 10 years. I have lived where I am for 2 years now and I am very glad about that. i have moved from place to place here, but I think i've found my spot until I finish college (2 years hopefully). so I am trying to get some friends but I have a hard time just wanting to in the first place. every time I get into a group of people, I feel like i'm in a cage. like I have to do certain things or my "friends" won't like me / i'll get alienated. i'm totally cool with everyone, but I know it's important to girls that a guy have friends. I have some, and i have my family in this area too. anyway what's the best way to find (and keep) some chums around to do things with?

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