Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Last questions about the Civil War?

Gettysburg was a big turning point. The final one in fact. It was a big win for the north. the address was very short. Most speeches at the time were hours and hours long. His was less than a half hour. It was short but it made a point. One of the big things that lost the war for the south was the battle of Vicksburg which split the south in half. the battle of Antietam, one of the bloodiest battles of the war, was a factor in loosing the war because after the north won England was unwilling to join the souths side. Who wants to join the loser's? The emancipation of course was also important. Although Lincoln really didn't have the authority to do so since the south was, at the time, another Nation, it gave blacks the courage to escape. Many went to find Union armies and say, "hey, claim me as contraband so I can fight with you." Also it made the war into a moral cause. since england hadn't had slaves for quite sometime they didn't want to seem like they were supporting it. Number four you should answer on your own because it's total opinion, but in case you're not aware (not meaning to sound condescending) total war is where you destroy everything in your path to win the war. No mercy. Sherman's march to the sea is a prime example of this. Hum... Economy... It pretty much sucked. Most of the south's crops were gone and the north couldn't provide the crops that the south could before. trade was slow and without crops where is manufacturing? Politics... Republicans were more popular especially with blacks (duh). Things were more liberal... Blacks were allowed to vote under something Lincoln ped... Can't recall the name... society changed in that there were now all these free balck with no where to go and nothing to do and no means to learn... Whites had to work their own land or hire people now. go to apnotes.net to learn more. that website saved my more than once when I took AP US history.

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