Saturday, August 13, 2011

Why Are Republicans, Fox News , Rush Limbaugh, Such Hypocrites?? Why are they so offended by Obama Saying?

Why Are they all flipping their wigs about Obama saying Hostage Takers? I'm Sorry I Really don't understand this. This Guy Just gave them what they wanted? Does he get zero Credit for anything? I notice non of them seem to have a Problem when Rush Limbaugh Calls him " Barack the Magic *****". Or As He and Glenn Beck have both called him a Racist. So For the First time in The History of America, we have Anchors, Contributors, and Commentators calling the Commander and Chief Racist. No Problem with that. Or how about when the Tea Party Put up a Bil Board in Iowa of Obama's photo next to Adolph Hitler On a Major Highway? No Complaining there. But Obama Say's Hostage Takers, Refering to the Other Party, The Exact same line as used by Ronald Reagan In his second Term when he was talking about Democrats. And If Obama says 1 thing they all go nuts? I mean have these guys just devoted their careers on Bashing the guy 24/7. He gave them tax breaks, Is that not enough? Also, just to point out, how was Obama supposed to use an ogy? For the First time in America's history, has a Entire Party of Senators signed a Letter to the President saying they will Block Every single piece of legislation until they get what they want on Taxes. Honestly is that Reasonable? Would It have been reasonable if Barack Obama said Back in the fall of 2009 when More troops were needed in Afgan, what if he went on national TV and said If the Republicans dont give in on Healthcare, He will Veto the Bush Tax cuts for the top 2%. And he wanted the Healthcare Bill Ped Before the end of the Month. How would The Republican Pundits React to that? How would the Nation Respond. So Their Feelings are hurt by that. But its ok to refer to him as ---- Illegal Alien, Dictator, Racist, Thug in Chief, Communist, Magic *****, All These examples are from Fox news. And I know what you neo-cons will say. " That's nothing compared to what the Left said about Bush. If that is Really True, Provide a Link where a Democrat Commentator, Anchor, Or News Caster , Refer to Bush As a Racist, Illegal Alien, Communist. Or anything like that. Just saying " They did worse " Mean's nothing, and your living in fairy tale land if that's what you believe.

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